How To Help
We Couldn't Do It Without You!
Your donations make our wildlife rehabilitation work possible.
We can heal animals, educate and advocate for wildlife with your help. Donate to WERC directly, sponsor an animal or create your own fundraiser to make a difference to our local wildlife.
Make a one-time or monthly donation via PayPal's donate program. and pay no fees! It is fast, free, and easy to use and WERC gets 100% of the proceeds! You can also contribute a gift from our Amazon wishlist, or donate directly to our organization below.

Dr Colbert DVM Attending To A Golden Eagle
Support A Program
WERC helps a variety of wildlife species, and they all have in common the need for quality specialized vet care, safe enclosures, species-specific nutrition and a feeling of safety and security to recover and return home. Your sponsorship will help us provide care year round.

Bobcat Rehabilitation
WERC developed a ground-breaking, world-renowned bobcat kitten program to ensure that single bobcat orphans do not become habituated during their time in care.
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Burrowing Owls
The Western Burrowing Owl has been experiencing significant declines throughout its range and especially in Santa Clara County. Help us bring their numbers back!

Baby Animals And Birds
Every Spring we receive injured and displaced young wildlife. They need round-the-clock care veterinary care and groceries.